Code of conduct

1. Principles

In Mexiro, A.C. We declare ourselves a feminist organization and defend the right to be different.In this sense, we express our commitment to achieving safe and respectful environments, for all people; spaces free of discrimination of any kind, regardless of the gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, national origin, age, political affiliation, or religion the people within the organization, its collaborators and participants. This Code of Conduct seeks to be a guide for platforms, workshops, events, as well as consultancies, and/or for any type of employment relationship, whether in virtual or in-person spaces, coordinated and organized by and for Mexiro, A.C.

People who do not respect and follow these guidelines of conduct will be asked to leave the space - virtual or physical - at the discretion of the organizer and they will be expelled from the institution. In this sense, if necessary, authorities will be contacted to report or accompany any act of violence or discrimination.

In line with this Code of Conduct, Mexiro, A.C. has developed a Protocol for Prevention and Addressing Sexual Harassment and Harassment. This protocol provides for both prevention and action in situations of harassment and sexual harassment, and is part of this Code of Conduct.

1.1 Safe environment

Any act of harassment, bullying and/or discrimination will not be tolerated. In order to maintain a safe environment is explained: Zero tolerance for bullying and harassment related to gender, orientation sexuality, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion: All forms

Harassment and harassment are absolutely unacceptable. These behaviors are not have a place in Mexiro, A.C. Any such behavior will be addressed immediately, and those who harass, harass or make other people feel unsafe in the instance or workspace will not be able to continue participating or having a relationship with the organization.

Be careful in the use of vocabulary: We will avoid using words or phrases that may offend or make other people in the organization or participants uncomfortable. This includes language non-consensual sexually explicit, violent language, as well as language that makes offensive assumptions or projections of stereotypes about religious, political, cultural, racial, and gender.

1.2 Inclusion

An attempt should be made to proactively include everyone present. In particular: Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion. It also includes the dissemination of sexual images in public spaces; the intimidation deliberate; stalking or following someone without their consent; taking photographs or recordings that invade the intimate space of a person; the continued interruption of conversations or other events; inappropriate physical contact; unwelcome sexual attention.

  • Use of shared language: That allows everyone to understand what is being said (for example example, without technicalities in the event that a discipline is not shared). In the case of in-person instances, and when native speakers of other languages are participating, it is It is essential to speak slowly and modulated.

  • Make precise interventions: So that everyone can share their points, In the case of face-to-face instances, try to present one point per intervention, and be brief.

1.3 Respect

Respect must be shown at all times, this must consider:

Listen: Do not interrupt when someone is speaking, nor maintain conversations in parallel.

Avoid debate among a small group: When there is a strong disagreement between two parties, avoid the debate in which the majority is a spectator, without opening the discussion to others voices or perspectives. Nor accept these differences only as a function of time, but rather look for ways that allow the discussion to really advance.

  • Punctuality: It is important to respect the time of the participants, for this it is necessary punctuality for the beginning of activity.

  • Respect for the environment: In outdoor activities and with those in contact

With nature, natural resources and living beings must be respected.

Example of unacceptable behaviors:

➔ Personal attacks, violence, violent threats, or deliberate intimidation.

➔ Offense, derogation, or discriminatory comments.

➔ Use of unjustified or off-topic sexual language.

➔ Inappropriate or unwanted attention, touching, or physical contact (sexual or otherwise).

➔ Inappropriate or unwanted public or private communication, or any form of harassment.

➔ Unwanted recording or photography.

➔ Revelation of a person's identity or other private information without their consent.

➔ Inappropriate or unwanted publication of a private communication (unless it is for report harassment or other matter of general interest).

➔ Sustained disruption, interruption, or blockage of community collaboration (e.g. trolling).

➔ Discrimination, particularly against groups in vulnerable conditions or less represented.

2. Report

If you witness or are subject to unacceptable behavior, report to the Safety Committee.

Request support from Mexiro, A.C. to this email:

This Committee will maintain confidentiality in the complaint and will take appropriate measures. You can report these situations via email to:

When reporting, it is useful to provide information about the event, such as:

➔ Incident information

➔ Where and when it happened

➔ What happened

➔ Description of unacceptable behavior

➔ Person(s) involved

➔ Any additional information that helps understand the problem, such as incidents previous.

➔ If there is evidence such as recordings or screenshots that show what happened, include them.

3. Commitment to Code of Conduct

Those who participate in platforms, workshops, events, consultancies, or any type of employment relationship, both in virtual and in-person spaces, coordinated and organized by and for Mexiro A.C. establish their commitment to this Code with the signature or equivalent of this document.

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